
Commands Email Linux CentOS Server Uncategorized
DKIM Set for my subdomain
January 26, 2020
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I faced so much trouble while setting DKIM for one of my sub domain, there are so many online tutorials but not a single tutorial that describes everything at one spot. So I was thinking why not I write my own blog on it. What is DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)? DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)? It […]
Email Server
How To Add DKIM for a Domain
October 1, 2015
1. First You will have to create keys, follow the below instruction Browse the Site: Type the Domain Name: Domain Key Selector: default (if you want something different for example “mail”, you can type mail) Set Key Size: 2048 Upon Clicking The “CREATE KEYS” Button, you will receive “Public Key” and “RSA Private […]