Recently, I have started working on Machine Learning. From the online course, I can see that they are using Python.
My MAC pc suddenly collapsed, so I had to install python in my Wndows PC.
I have installed WinPython 2.7 Version (64 Bit)
Then after installing it, from DOS prompt, I switched to the folder:
# C:\WinPython >
Then I opened this URL: Downloaded the necessary modules from here in my PC. I have stored them in my D: Drive. As my pc is running 64 bit version of Windows & my installed Python version is 2.7, I have downloaded all with libraries that are ended with cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl.
Suppose, I need Scipy Library for my python, I have download the file javascript:;scipy‑0.18.1‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
Then from command prompt, I ran the below commmand to install those modules
python – m pip install –no-index –upgrade D:\scipy\scipy‑0.15.0‑cp33‑none‑win32.whl
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