Entrepreneur Life Motivational Rules
8 Secret of Success
January 9, 2018

How’s that for small talk! Although Richard was unable to give the girl a definitive answer in the moment, this single conversation led Richard down a path of discovery as he interviewed over 500 successful people to find out the 8 most common traits that they have in common.

Passion: You need to be passionate about what you are doing. As Richard says if you do something you love the money comes anyway.

Good: To be successful you need to practice, practice and practice and get good at whatever it is you are aspiring towards.

Work: Success isn’t just handed to you, you need to work for it and work hard.

Focus: To be successful you need to develop laser-like focus on just the one thing

Push: Success involves pushing yourself physically and mentally to break through any mindset barriers. These barriers could be shyness or self-doubt, emotions that everyone experiences from time to time.

Serve: Successful people ‘serve others something of value’

Ideas: Successful people need ideas and Richard says theirs no magic needed in getting ideas you simply need to ‘listen observe, be curious, ask questions, problem solve and make connections.’

Persist: Being persistent is probably one of the most difficult traits of successful people. No one is immune to facing challenges in their business and personal life and persisting through these hard times is what makes people successful and all the stronger for it.


About author


CEO & Founder (BdBooking.com - Online Hotel Booking System), CEO & Founder (TaskGum.com - Task Managment Software), CEO & Founder (InnKeyPro.com - Hotel ERP), Software Engineer & Solution Architect


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