Hello. My name is A.R. ZERIN. I am an Entrepreneur, Technology Optimist and a Software Engineer from Dhaka, Bangladesh .
Programming is my passion. Life is beautiful, so I am trying hard to enjoy it.
I have completed my Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science & Engineering at 2004 and working in the era of IT for last 14+ years dedicatedly.
I am a believer of, “He who aims at the sky, shoot higher much than he who aims at a tree“.

Algorithm Fundamental php Programming
LUHN Algorithm to Validate Credit Card & Example & Implementation with Programming Example
January 21, 2016
The LUHN Algorithm is used to distinguish valid Credit Card numbers that is random selection of digits. Credit Card numbers that can be validated by the LUHN Algorithm have numbers that pass the following test: 1. Reverse the order of the digits in the number. 2. Take the first, third, … and every other odd […]
HostWay Server
How To Enable WHM Access in Firewall for Hostway Server
November 7, 2015
EVERY TIME, I have a new Server from HostWay, I face trouble with WHM Access, I post ticket toHostWay to Resolve the Issue for me. But Now as I know how they do it for me, I should do it myself, getting older, forget things, so sharing it, Now, no chance to forget.  All that […]
Indian Visa Requirement
October 26, 2015
Indian Visa Requirement
Every time I Visit  Indian Embassy, I take the below things with me. Passport with six month validity Old Passport (Do not miss it anyhow, if you do not have it with you, they will send you back) Application Fee (You can deposit it from UCash Agent Near the Embassy) Application Form / e-form (If […]
Commands Linux CentOS
How To Install BoogieBounce Email Bounce Checker for Linux
October 6, 2015
BounceStudio API For Linux, a shared object (.so file), enables your application to recognize thousands of email bounce formats. Easy to use, robust, extremely fast, and accurate, BounceStudio API was designed for professional Linux developers who demand the best. If you’re managing your opt-in email communications on the Linux platform, and in need of a professional bounce detection engine, then BounceStudio API is for you.
CodeIgniter Framework Coding
CodeIgniter: How To Call A Controller from another Controller
October 2, 2015
Suppose you have two controllers file, one is users.php and another one is welcome.php. For some reason, you want to load the a function from users controller from inside the controller welcome. Write the below code in your welcome controller file: $this->load->library('../controllers/users'); $this->users->function_name();
Email Server
How To Add DKIM for a Domain
October 1, 2015
1. First You will have to create keys, follow the below instruction Browse the Site: https://www.port25.com/support/domainkeysdkim-wizard/ Type the Domain Name: arzerin.com Domain Key Selector: default (if you want something different for example “mail”, you can type mail) Set Key Size: 2048 Upon Clicking The “CREATE KEYS” Button, you will receive “Public Key” and “RSA Private […]
Finding Last 5 Modified Files of a Folder
October 1, 2015
Try using head or tail. If you want the 5 most-recently modified files: ls -1t | head -5 ls -1t | tail -5  
Days First 20 Minutes
September 3, 2015
The 20 minutes you spend today can save hours tomorrow and turn a good day into a great day. Everyone knows that the most valuable resource entrepreneurs have is time. So stop giving it away to people and spending it on activities you don’t care about. People say if only there were more hours in […]
Speed Web
Checking Site Speed
August 25, 2015
To Check any of my side speed, I use the below 3 tools that are free: 1. Google PageSpeed (http://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) 2. Pingdom Tools (http://tools.pingdom.com/) 3. GTmetrics (http://gtmetrix.com/)  
Commands Tips & Tricks
How To Copy SVN Project From One Host to Another Host
August 23, 2015
Today I need to move the whole SVN to a new server  that is under different IP. I have followed the below step-by-step process. My Current PC IP: New PC IP: MacOSX Command: 1. need to login the old server  and run the below command in your command console: First Run the below Command in […]