Hello. My name is A.R. ZERIN. I am an Entrepreneur, Technology Optimist and a Software Engineer from Dhaka, Bangladesh .
Programming is my passion. Life is beautiful, so I am trying hard to enjoy it.
I have completed my Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science & Engineering at 2004 and working in the era of IT for last 14+ years dedicatedly.
I am a believer of, “He who aims at the sky, shoot higher much than he who aims at a tree“.

Impact Plot
May 15, 2019
Triangle Chart
May 15, 2019
What is Retention
May 15, 2019
Retention is useful because it lets you model your business as repeating revenue.
Coding Programmer svn
SVN Command to manage tracking of personal projects.
March 11, 2019
I was recently working on some of projects of my start-up. I wanted to make sure that I can see the revision logs of my project source code so that I can find why I have changed the code & in case accidental delete of a running good code I can restore by reviewing the […]
Photography Shape Visual Composition
October 15, 2018
Shape Techniques Cropping Cropping can be done either with the entire composition, or by obstructing the subject by other elements of a composition. Cropping refers to the information you are willing to give the viewer. Our brains will assume missing information that we can’t see. Choosing what elements of your subject you want to reveal […]
Line Photography Visual Composition
October 15, 2018
Vertical Lines Vertical lines create a bold statement. They tend to suggest power with a strong foundation. They indicate a feeling of solidity. Horizontal Lines Horizontal lines indicate stability as well, but in a much more calming way. They suggest balance, harmony and in some cases finality or a sense of cadence (ending). Diagonal Lines […]
Photography Design Elements
October 15, 2018
There are six classic design elements — and shape, form and line make up half of them while influencing two more. Here, we’re focusing on three of them, but seeing the big picture of where line, shape and form fit creates a deeper understanding of how everything works together. So what are these six design […]
Bangladesh Kuakata Travel
Kuakata 2018 Camping (19 SEPTEMBER TO 22 SEPTEMBER)
September 27, 2018
Journey begins @ 9:00 PM in SAKURA TRANSPORT COUNTER from TECHNICAL CHOWRASTA Double Egg with Parota after 3 consecutive try in Aricha Ghat. Bus was stopping for Feri & everyone was getting off from BUS to eat this food but the moment they order for Food, Bus was starting again & leaving them behind, so […]
git How To
Create and push a branch
September 27, 2018
$ git fetch && git checkout your_branch_name $ git add . $ git commit -m “adding a change from the feature branch” $ git push origin your_branch_name Reference: https://confluence.atlassian.com/get-started-with-bitbucket/create-and-push-a-branch-862720857.html
Lyrics Songs
জীবন খাতার প্রতি পাতায় …..
September 7, 2018
জীবন খাতার প্রতি পাতায় যতই লেখ হিসাব-নিকাশ কিছুই রবে না। লুকোচুরির এই যে খেলায় প্রাণের যত দেয়া-নেয়া পূর্ণ হবে না।। কন্ঠ ভরা এ গান শুনে ছুটে তুমি এলে দ্বারে চোখে দেখে এতো করেও চেননি কো কভু তারে অবহেলায় সরেও তবু আমায় তুমি নাও গো ডেকে সে তো করবে না।। যে আঁখি হয়না খুশী আকাশ ভরা […]