Inspired People Life Lifestyle Startup
5S System
July 23, 2015

An example for organizing any environment and keeping it organized–the 5S System, based on five Japanese words:

  • Seiri–“Sort.” Go through your space and eliminate anything you don’t need–clutter, paperwork, emails, books, processes–anything that’s unnecessary and that keeps you from your work.
  • Seiton–“Set in order.” Once you have only items that you need and use, put them in an order that makes them accessible and easy to find.
  • Seiso–“Systematic cleaning.” Keep your space clean and free of clutter to make it easier and more peaceful for you to work there.
  • Seiketsu–“Standardized cleanup.” Do a daily cleanup so you can always find what you need.
  • Shitsuke–“Sustain.” This can be the hardest part–keep everything up until it has become absolute habit for you.

Being organized, creating systems, and avoiding multitasking to have a more productive and manageable day allows you not only to leave early but it gives you more time for yourself and those you love. It’s not about having more time, but about making what time you do have count.

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CEO & Founder ( - Online Hotel Booking System), CEO & Founder ( - Task Managment Software), CEO & Founder ( - Hotel ERP), Software Engineer & Solution Architect


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