Today I need to move the whole SVN to a new server that is under different IP. I have followed the below step-by-step process.
My Current PC IP:
New PC IP:
MacOSX Command:
1. need to login the old server and run the below command in your command console:
First Run the below Command in the new PC:
(Running this command will install the latest version of subversion)
#yum install subversion
(To make sure which version has been installed in the new server)
#svn –status
(To activate the subversion in the new PC)
#svnserve -dr /home/svnrepo –listen-port 3690
(Subversion runs on port 3690 by default, it may not be enabled in the server so that our user can dump the subversion project in their PC, so we should enable the PORT)
#iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 3690 -j ACCEPT
(Restart the firewall settings to make sure that port is accepting connection for 3690 from outside world)
#iptables -F
(Now Making Sure again that svn is installed)
#ps -aux | grep svn
Once you find that svn / subversion has been installed, then proceed to the old the server
(Login to the Old Server to transfer all the projects to the new server)
#ssh root@
(Moving to the current SVN Location Folder of the old server)
#cd /home/svnrepo
(Now start copying / transferring the projects to the new server where I have set the svn repo folder)
#scp -r * root@
So, Finally all the project svn has been copied to new server.
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